Dirty Jokes Biography
Source(Google.com.pk)The God Squad
D y n a m i c D e i t y M a n a g e m e n t L t d .
Date :- 3rd May 0023
Messrs Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Publishers).
13a Sandy Wasteland Square,
Just Next to the Pizza Hut,
Dear Sirs,
It is Mr. Christ's understanding that you are planning to write and
publish a biography of him in the near future. Such a biography would, he
is sure you would realise, be entirely unauthorised and if it were published
in the form you suggest he would be forced to take the matter up with the
highest authority.
However he can fully understand your wish to write about his life
and will sanction such a project a number of conditions:
That the title of the book be 'The Holy Bible' and not as you
propose, 'Hot and Salty - Our Sexy Savior's Saucy Story'.
That you do not mention the name of his natural Father (Elvin
Roxenby-Toke) who, for legal reasons, contests more...
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Software Update
The story of the Bible (possibly offensive to Christians)Date: 3rd May 0023
Messrs Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Publishers).
13a Sandy Wasteland Square,
Just Next to the Pizza Hut,
Dear Sirs,
It is Mr. Christ's understanding that you are planning to write and publish a biography of him in the near future. Such a biography would, he is sure you would realise, be entirely unauthorised and if it were published in the form you suggest he would be forced to take the matter up with the highest authority.
However he can fully understand your wish to write about his life and will sanction such a project a number of conditions:
That the title of the book be' The Holy Bible' and not as you propose,' Hot and Salty - Our Sexy Savior's Saucy Story'.
That you do not mention the name of his natural Father (Elvin Roxenby-Toke) who, for legal reasons, contests paternity. He suggest you utilise the' virgin birth' scenario. Mr. Christ realises more...
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Biography Of A Sardar
Read this biography of a sardar
When God passed out looks,
I thought He said books, and I didn't want any.
When God passed out ears,
I thought He said beers, and I asked for two long ones.
When God passed out legs,
I thought He said kegs, and I asked for two fat ones.
When God passed out noses,
I thought He said roses, and I asked for a big red one.
When God passed out heads,
I thought He said beds, and I asked for a big soft one.
When God passed out brains,
I thought he said trains, and I missed mine.
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Biography Of Sardar
Biography of a sardar
When god passed out looks,
I thought he said books, and i didn't want any.
When god passed out ears,
I thought he said beers, and i asked for two long ones.
When god passed out legs,
I thought he said kegs, and i asked for two fat ones.
When god passed out noses,
I thought he said roses, and i asked for a big red one.
When god passed out heads,
I thought he said beds, and i asked for a big soft one.
When god passed out brains,
I thought he said trains, and i missed mine.
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The story of the Bible (possibly offensive to Christians)
Date: 3rd May 0023
Messrs Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Publishers).
13a Sandy Wasteland Square,
Just Next to the Pizza Hut,
Dear Sirs,
It is Mr. Christ's understanding that you are planning to write and publish a biography of him in the near future. Such a biography would, he is sure you would realise, be entirely unauthorised and if it were published in the form you suggest he would be forced to take the matter up with the highest authority.
However he can fully understand your wish to write about his life and will sanction such a project a number of conditions:
That the title of the book be 'The Holy Bible' and not as you propose, 'Hot and Salty - Our Sexy Savior's Saucy Story'.
That you do not mention the name of his natural Father (Elvin Roxenby-Toke) who, for legal reasons, contests paternity. He suggest you utilise the 'virgin birth' scenario. Mr. Christ realises that this is entirely ludicrous but suggests that no-one ever went more...
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Recent Comments
jaden: the glaciers took your head line all the way back
farrealthoe@gmail.co: That's a Good one !
Bobby: The kid's name is Sumting Wong
boss: for info "garbhavati="preagnant"
kimberly: your hair line looks like a mickey d's logo sign
kimberly: I bet none of you all have hair lines
Kari Hudson02: yo hairline was so messed up when you got a new haircut it was Christmas for 2 weeks
cruser: Did our barber get deported and take ur hairline with him? Llooll
Kari: Now THAT'S a smart dumb blonde!
cooldude: yo hairline got arrested because it was so high
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